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Tom Hanks Blood Coronavirus Vaccine

Tom Hanks Blood Used For The Coronavirus Vaccine

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Tom Hanks blood is being used for the coronavirus vaccine. Tom Hanks blood is especially useful due to the fact that it contains coronavirus antibodies.

Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson both have been infected with the coronavirus and both have since recovered. The two both now carry the coronavirus antibodies. This is what is used in the creation of vaccines or according to Tom the “Hank-cine”.

The two, Tom Hanks and Rita have been donating blood since their arrival back in the USA. They spent their infection and recovery time in Australia, where they caught the virus. Now, it looks like they have been recruited by a research team for a larger role in the fight against the coronavirus.

“Upon arriving back in the US, Tom, 63, and Rita, 63, enrolled in a medical study to determine if their antibodies would be useful for scientists working on developing a vaccine…”


Can Tom Hanks Blood Really Help Create A Coronavirus Vaccine

Vaccines have been used for ending the spread of viral pandemics and epidemics around the world for decades. There is perhaps no better alternative.

We have all heard the cries of our leaders in recent months for a vaccine and now it looks like Hollywood celebrities are taking a leadership role in this as well. At least for now, Tom Hanks is giving his blood and plasma with the hope that his antibodies will help scientists engineer a cure.

The creation of a vaccine is inevitable, and all recovered COVID-19 patients can contribute to the antibody studies. These studies will be used in the creation of a vaccine, undoubtedly.

Interview With Tom Hanks Wife Regarding Coronavirus Experience

Tom Hanks Gives Coronavirus Monologue On Saturday Night Live

When Will The Coronavirus Antibody Vaccine Be Ready?

The first coronavirus vaccine made with human antibodies was announced at the beginning of April by the University of Pittsburgh. They are following a model of vaccines produced for previous SARS and MERS viruses.

The studies are being performed on mice, for now, and are so far showing the same recovery trends as their sister vaccines. This means antibody protection for at least a year and what looks like a two week period of inoculation, where the antibodies are spread throughout your body.

Could this mean we have an additional yearly shot, similar to the flu shot? Perhaps. It is all going to be up to the individual, regardless of the “forced vaccination conspiracy theories” you might hear about. Eventually, there could be hundreds of known flu-like diseases, all with their own vaccines, etc.. and they will probably create a vaccine combination of some sorts.

A closer look at the coronavirus vaccine made from human antibodies.

“…viruses, which are closely related to SARS-CoV-2, teach us that a particular protein, called a spike protein, is important for inducing immunity against the virus. We knew exactly where to fight this new virus..” – Andrea Gambotto, M.D.

University of Pittsburgh –

The scientists and doctors involved in this study are now awaiting approval for human trials by the FDA. They are confident they will be able to begin human testing in the next few months. This is on par with the original estimates of 12-18 months, before a vaccine will be publicly available.


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About Post Author

Christopher Kemmett

Hi, I'm Christopher Kemmett, author of this article. Give me a shout if you need anything.
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